Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 190–200
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The article examines the aspects of using the focus group discussion method to form the communicative competencies of students in the humanitarian areas of training. The peculiarity of its implementation in the format of traditional and virtual methods of holding is considered. The positive and negative aspects of performing educational focus groups in online and offline formats are highlighted. Attention is focused on the importance of using interactive teaching methods, searching for new forms of bringing educational information to students. The dialogue form of interaction in a broad and narrow sense, as well as theoretical approaches to the analysis of categories of competence, competence, communicative competence are analyzed. The ambiguity in the interpretation of these concepts is emphasized. The role of competencies as a factor contributing to the formation of general cultural and special knowledge of student youth, the formation of the competence of university graduates in the chosen specialty is determined. The results of the included observation of the course of organizing and conducting focus group discussions by students both in the traditional form and in the online format are presented. The possibilities of activating the verbal activity of students are determined. A comparative analysis of the possibilities of using and conducting focus group discussions in virtual and traditional forms is made. The limitations of the method for its application in the educational process are determined. The statements on the results of the focus groups, demonstrating the differences in the nature of communication within the student community when discussing social problems, are given.
focus group discussion, competence, competence, communicative competence, dialogue, Internetcommunication
Victor B. Bolshov, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of Sociology Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
For citation:
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