Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 170–178
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The sphere of knowledge of political and legal phenomena is based on the principle of methodological pluralism, spiritual and cultural approach, as well as on the anthropological dimension of these phenomena. Eurasian concept of law and state N.N. Alekseeva is a detailed and thoroughly worked out political and legal doctrine. The thinker formulates his ideas based on the experience of previous generations of Russian and foreign philosophers of law, relies on contemporary philosophical concepts, but at the same time acts in the context of the Eurasian spiritual culture. All this is usually called the Eurasian paradigm of Russia, which in the modern conditions of the development of world civilization acquires special relevance. The article attempts to comprehend one of the elements identified by N.N. Alekseev, the spiritual prerequisites of Eurasian culture — the principle of humanism as a human dimension of political and legal phenomena and processes. At the same time, this principle is investigated not only on the basis of its interpretation by N.N. Al ekseev, but also taking into account the positions of other thinkers who consider the spiritual component of human, including legal culture. Particular attention is paid to comparing the approaches of N.N. Alekseeva, I.A. Ilyina and N.A. Berdyaev, criticism of the approach of A.G. Dugin, replacing Eurasianism with his own vision. It is concluded that the Eurasian perception of the principle of humanism is based not on the denial of liberal and socialist projects, but on a qualitatively different understanding of them.
Eurasianism, N.N. Alekseev, spiritual culture, the principle of humanism, natural law, legal consciousness
Egor A. Kulikov, Cand. Sci. (Juridical Sciences), Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department, and about head of the department, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
The article was implemented with the financial support of RF President Grant Fund for young Russian scientists – candidates of sciences, Project № MK-483.2020.6 «The Eurasian alternative to the state and legal development of Russia: genesis, content, modern interpretation».
For citation:
Kulikov E.A. (2021) On the question of the principle of humanism in the Eurasian interpretation of the spiritual foundations of legal culture N.N. Alekseev. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 170–178. (In Russ.)
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