Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 93–112
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The article examines the aspects of self-realization of student youth. The peculiarity of the influence of the socio-educational space as the most important factor in the formation of both professional skills and competencies of student youth and the possibilities of the higher education system in the process of determining the direction of selfrealization of students is considered. The author emphasizes the ambiguity in the interpretation of the basic concepts of the research «self-realization», «self-actualization», «educational space,» educational environment «. The article considers the theoretical approaches formed in the philosophical and sociological traditions regarding these concepts. The directions and factors of successful self-realization by student youth are highlighted. The results of applied sociological research, implemented in the form of a questionnaire, are presented. Several approaches to understanding the essence of the phenomenon of self-realization are highlighted. In particular, the specific components of his process are emphasized, such as the development of abilities, skills, natural inclinations, inclinations, personality capabilities. Attention is focused on the need to manifest a person’s individuality, the formation of an individual I, the disclosure of potential, inner essence, which ultimately leads to the formation of the meaning of human life. The study revealed the most significant value priorities of student youth in the process of self-realization — creative work, a high level of financial security, selfconfidence, a good family. The most preferable forms of self-realization are also identified — achieving a high level of social status, having freedom in choosing forms and methods of social life, spiritual growth and personal development, engaging in creative activities, self-improvement, achieving the stated ambitions.
self-realization, self-actualization, educational space, socialization of students, professional, self-realization
Victor B. Bolshov, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of Sociology Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
For citation:
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