Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 34–46
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The article reveals various forms of care for education during the pandemic. The novel coronavirus has gone all over the world. Pandemics are actually moving from one «domain» of the human world to another. Its impact is particularly important in the field of education. In the United States, almost all public and private schools are closed. Although the current closure of schools across the country is unprecedented, there is a history of closing local schools for months or even years. Massive resistance to desegregation closed public schools in 1958-59, for four years and deprived black children of the opportunity to attend school from 1959 to 1963. This happened in and in connection with natural disasters. The impact of school closures on children’s success is usually negative. At the same time, according to the 2017 US Census, about one in seven children does not have access to the home Internet, and this proportion was twice as high in families with low incomes and less educated parents. online learning of students does not cope with tasks, because most products for educational technologies were intended to supplement school classes, and not to completely replace them. To reduce school losses, programs were launched to unite college students with school students, tutoring programs were expanded, student knowledge testing was canceled. Racial riots under the slogan Black Lives Matter also played a negative role. Access to technology and support for innovative use of learning technologies also depends on inequalities between communities, schools, teachers and students. To some extent, the diversity of alternative learning methods solves these problems. Among them are models of mutual learning by student students and student mentors. A similar movement exists in YouTube on the popular channel «The man sitting next to me.» Meeting students’ socio-emotional and academic learning needs, in a mixed or online environment, is likely to require extensive training of teachers and educators themselves, which was not previously available.
care for education, pandemic, desegregation, online training, tutoring, alternative teaching methods
Anatoly S. Kolesnikov, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor of History of Philosophy Department, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia
The study has been implemented with the support of the fund RSF No17-18-01440–Anthropological dimension of the history of philosophy.
For citation:
Kolesnikov A.S. (2021) Anthropological discourse of care for education in foreign pedagogy. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 34–46. (In Russ.)
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