Regional experience of social support as an innovative family-saving technology

Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 131–141


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This article is devoted to the study of social support as an innovative social technology aimed at providing timely assistance to a family at an early stage of family trouble. The analysis of scientific works showed that, despite the generalization and assessment of the experience of implementing social support in the Primorsky Territory, Stavropol Territory, Saransk, the Republic of Tyva, etc., the disclosure of the regional features of this family -saving technology was not widely reflected in the studies of Russian authors. The main results of the implementation of social support for families with children, mainly families in a socially dangerous situation and families who find themselves in a difficult life situation on the example of the activities of the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children of the OGKU SO «Center for helping children left without parental care, Sverdlovsk district of Irkutsk «for 2017-2020, in general, reflect the all-Russian problems and trends in the field of social services and social support. The authors conclude that preventive work with families involves the development of new technologies of social work, involving relying on their own activity, providing families with the opportunity to participate in solving their problems along with specialists, searching for non-standard solutions, for example, technologies that have been introduced in other regions of Russia, as well as those that have become widespread in the foreign experience of social work.


social support, family trouble, dysfunctional families, social patronage, interagency interaction, Irkutsk region


Ekaterina S. Savranchuk, head of the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children, OGKU SO «Center for helping children left without parental care, Sverdlovsk region of Irkutsk», Irkutsk, Russia

Evgeniya G. Kopalkina, candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Savranchuk E.S., Kopalkina E.G. (2021) Regional experience of social support as an innovative familysaving technology. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 131–141. (In Russ.)


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