Analysis of formation and use human resources capacity of state institutions civil servants of the Trans-baikal territory

Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 113–123


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The article deals with the issue of human resources of state and municipal employees as a strategic factor that determines the effectiveness of any organization. It is noted that it directly affects the administrative reforms taking place in the region and ensures the implementation of decisions aimed at changing the life of the population of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The need for its development is currently a generally recognized fact. In the context of the problem posed, the interpretation of the terms «human resources» and «labor potential» has been analyzed. A set of indicators is presented. The scientific controversy about the essence of these concepts is considered. It was revealed that, to a certain extent, the labor potential includes personnel. It is concluded that the term «human resources» is more applicable in the microeconomy to describe the knowledge, abilities, skills and personal characteristics of workers. To solve the tasks set in the study, the principles of scientific character, consistency, objectivity, and integrity were used. The authors paid special attention to the study of statistical data, documents and materials in the context of this topic, with the help of which it was possible to identify the dynamics of changes in the composition of civil servants and conduct a comparative analysis. The article presents the changes in the personnel potential of the state authorities of the Trans-Baikal Territory in the context of optimization for 2015–2018, analyzes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the level of education, length of service, gender, considers the staffing in the context of staff and actual number, dynamics by job category. Based on the results of the work carried out, it was concluded that, in general, there is a reduction in the staff of civil servants of the Trans-Baikal Territory. However, it was revealed mainly among employees in the age category 50 … 59 and 60 … 65 years old, which shows the focus of personnel policy on rejuvenation. The educational level of civil servants in the TransBaikal Territory as a whole is 98 % consistent with the profile of their activities, and the length of service in government bodies prevails in the range of 15 … 25 years. In general, optimization leads to the formation of a stable, highly qualified human potential capable of performing strategic tasks to describe the knowledge, skills and personal characteristics of employees necessary for the implementation of strategic plans of the organization. To solve the problems posed in the study, the following principles were used: scientific, systematic, objective, integrity. The authors paid special attention to the analysis of statistical data, documents and materials in the context of the topic under study, with the help of which it was possible to identify the dynamics of changes in the personnel of public civil servants and conduct a comparative analysis. The article presents the changes in the personnel potential of the state authorities of the Trans-Baikal Territory under optimization conditions for 2015–2018, analyzes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the civil servants in terms of education, length of service, gender, considers staffing in terms of staff and actual number of employees, The dynamics of civil servants by job category is presented. According to the results of the analysis, it was concluded that in general there is a decrease in the staff of civil servants of the Trans-Baikal Territory, however, a decrease was found among employees in the age category of 50 … 59 and 60 … 65 years, which shows the orientation of the personnel policy towards rejuvenation of the staff of state civil servants. The educational level of employees of the Trans-Baikal Territory as a whole is 98% consistent with the profile of the personnel, and the length of service in government bodies prevails in the range of 15 … 25 years. In general, optimization leads to the formation of a stable, highly qualified human potential capable of performing strategic tasks in order to improve the living standards of the region’s population.


human potential, labor potential, state civil servants, Trans-Baikal Territory, statistical analysis, personnel, personnel, number, length of service, level of education


Irina R. Kazaryan, candidate of political sciences, associate professor, head of Personnel Management Department, Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia

Nelli S. Mezhlumyan, candidate of sociological sciences,, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management, Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia

Irina V. Petrova, candidate of. sociological sciences, Associate Professor, Personnel Management Department, Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia

For citation:

Kazaryan I.R, Mezhlumyan N.S., Petrova I.V. (2021) Analysis of formation and use human resources capacity of state institutions civil servants of the Trans-baikal territoryю. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 113–123. (In Russ.)


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