Political-economic and moral-legal challenges of our time in the context of psychological support: the possibilities and limitations of human self-determination within the macrosocial stress (through the example of the Russian Federation)

Volume 5, Number 3, 2020, P. 362–376


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The article provides the theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign publications on the deformations of human life, considers the political-economic and moral-legal challenges of our time in the context of psychological support. It examines the most typical gaps and promising areas, psychological, social and other possibilities and limitations of a person’s self-determination in a situation of macrosocial stress through the example of the Russian Federation. The role of psychospiritual aspects of self-determination in resistance to future stress of various types in different spheres, including political-economic and moral-legal ones, is noted. According to the author, the lack or absence of love, morality and other «transcendent» phenomena in life means the destruction of a person. The concern that they become and / or remain qualified consumers is that that a person renounces self-determination, that is, denies themselves, and remains a slave. “The protective, prudent and caring image of the consumer society”, which is demonstrated to a person by their relatives, society, state and pseudo-state structures, business firms, etc., like many other “actions of care” of the state, business in relation to people is nothing more than a defense mechanism, concealing «a global system of power, based on the ideology of generosity, where» good deed «hides a profit.» A psychologist, like a “double agent” protecting the interests of both a person and society, focuses primarily on a person: society and such its substructure as the state cannot be healthy and human if there is no person themselves.


crisis, competence, person, love, consumption


Mariyam R. Arpentieva, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE), Academician of the International Academy of Education, Professor of Developmental Psychology and Education Department, Institute of Psychology, Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga, Russan

For citation:

Arpentieva M.R. (2020) Political-economic and moral-legal challenges of our time in the context of psychological support: the possibilities and limitations of human self-determination within the macrosocial stress (through the example of the Russian Federation). Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 362–376. (In Russ.)


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