Organization of upbringing education when mastering engineering disciplines

Volume 5, Number 3, 2020, P. 353–361


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The article considers the readiness of the higher technical education system to foster specialists in the innovative sphere for civic responsibility and moral and spiritual qualities. Their formation is connected with a student’s immersion in the subject and social contexts of future professional activity, understanding the role of a person for science and technology development. A promising form of upbringing education in technical universities is the Olympiad movement that enhances universal and professional competencies while combining the emotional interaction of a teacher and students during classes and creative self-development of young people. The study of the mechanism of upbringing education was carried out on the basis of axiological, contextual, personality-activity methodological approaches. The problematic aspects of educational work in the training of specialists in the innovative sphere were identified, including the gap between morale building activities and acquisition of a specific educational program, weak teachers’ emotional impact on students, their limited knowledge of their educational institution history and the potential of exerting professional efforts. The key characteristics of a specialist demanded by the innovative economy have been determined: spirituality, readiness for creativity in real production conditions, the ability for self-development, engineering critical thinking. Psychological and pedagogical terms for improving the quality of morale building when organizing the creative development of students in the Olympiad movement are formulated: the teacher has creative and pedagogical competence, the use of an impulse type of organization of educational activities, the creation of mixed teams of students, the use of project work techniques. A special role in creating a psychological basis for educational work is assigned to the stage of joint relax ation. One of the components, as a change in cognitive activity, is considered a joint study of scientific, social life and cultural heritage of those university teachers and employees of enterprises, who have made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology and are tied up with the region and this discipline. The structure of the organiz ation of the Olympiad movement is provided, including the stages of involvement, creative development, Olympiad and relaxation. A set of educational activities has been substantiated, contributing to spiritual development and establishment of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process. The importance of educational training in engineering disciplines in the form of the Olympiad movement for solving pedagogical problems in the preparation of elite engineering personnel – creative civic-minded experts – is shown.


readiness for innovation, spiritual and moral qualities, axiology, creativity, self-development, creative and pedagogical competencies, the Olympiad movement


Andrei I. Popov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical sciences), Associate Professor, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia

For citation:

Popov A.I. (2020) Organization of upbringing education when mastering engineering disciplines. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 353–361. (In Russ.)


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