Volume 5, Number 3, 2020, P. 316–323
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Professional education in secondary vocational institutions is implemented through morale building activities and is focused on building students’ general competencies (according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the IVE TOP-50), professional significant and personal qualities. It provides for consideration of the specifics of a training program in extracurricular time. Currently, various forms of pedagogical design become pertinent. The article deals with one of them — project management. The objective of the study is to identify its features in professional education of college students. The Priargunsky State College in Zabaykalsky Krai has created the project whose purpose is to ensure a high level of development of students’ creative activity. In this regard, within the framework of the project, activities are carried out in three directions: professional and creative, artistic and aesthetic, personal and creative development of students, which is the main content of the program «Through creativity to the profession». This programme is implemented in terms of one flow of students during four years. The timeframe of the programme is the 2018–2021 period. At the moment, interim results have been summed up, which are characterized by positive dynamics. The introduction of project management into the system of professional education of the college demonstrates its effectiveness. This results in an increase of the number of students employed in extracurricular time; a decrease of the number of students under preventive supervision; raising motivation and interest of all participants of the educational process in development of students’ creative potential, their successful professional adaptation and socialization.
education, professional education, college, project, project management, model
Irina S. Gomboyeva, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Educator, Priargunsk State College, Priargunsk, Russia
For citation:
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