Schoolchildren’s socialization and opportunities of its implementation in pre-university training system

Volume 5, Number 2, 2020, P. 255–259


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One of the most important conditions for the effective university functioning is the quality enrollment of welltrained applicants having deep basic knowledge, able to learn and consciously choosing their future specialty. In this regard, the role of pre-university education is extremely high today. If organized properly, it performs a number of functions. The article is devoted to one of them – socialization. The authors identified its modern functions, including not only preparing a student for study at the university, but also the future participation of senior pupils in professional creative activity. At the same time, pre-university training provides young people with opportunities for self-realization and self-development. It is shown that modern conditions require the expansion of the traditional functions of pre-university training (educational, career guidance) and socializing function is an addition to them, since not always successful applicants become successful students and professionals. Socialization of the future student should be carried out through activity, self-consciousness and communication. In addition, a common feature is the extension of individual social ties with the external world. Possible directions of a student’s socialization are given. It is determined that the implementation of the socializing function can be carried out through the structure of the faculty of pre-university training. Measures (creative contests, full-time and correspondence subject and cross-curriculum olympiads, collective creative events, initial engineering training circles) are proposed, implementation of which contributes to the schoolchildren socialization. It is proved that successful work within this framework, monitored today by the help of methods of expert assessments, leads to the emergence of more successful students at the university. The latest increases the effectiveness of the educational process and helps to improve the quality of higher education.


pre-university training, socialization, socializing function, faculty of pre-university training


Liliya A. Fedotova, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogics), Associate Professor of History, Culture and Sociology Department, Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia

Sergey M. Moskvichev, Cand. Sci. (Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Department, Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia

For citation:

Федотова Л.А., Москвичев С.М. Социализация школьников и возможности ее реализации в системе довузовской подготовки // Социальная компетентность. 2020. Т. 5. № 2. С. 255–259.


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