Ideological and political origins of Eurasianism in the history of Russian legal thought

Volume 5, Number 2, 2020, P. 189–198


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The modern world is rapidly changing; Western and non-Western society, Europe, Russia, China, the United States and other countries and regions of the world are increasingly entering a new phase of their existence. Changes require careful study, and a new theoretical and methodological basis must be found for learning the phenomena and processes that accompany them. However, it has long been known that there is nothing new under the sun». Therefore, in such a situation, it is essential to analyze domestic researchers’ political and legal doctrines, who considered Russia and its place in the world from various viewpoints: historical, linguistic, cultural, geopolitical and, finally, legal. The holistic doctrine should be considered the political and legal one of Eurasianism. The Eurasianism doctrine is notable since it is not just the intellectuals’ responses to the first and second revolutions in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century, but is an organic development of pre-revolutionary Russian legal thought, having quite serious grounds in it, and at the same time having a new status. The new status of Eurasianism lies in the fact that its representatives combined the matrix of pre-revolutionary Russia with that of Soviet Russia, and the obtained holistic phenomenon was considered from different viewpoints of different spheres of social life. The article justifies the argument about the existence in Russian history of legal thought of certain grounds of political and legal doctrine of Eurasianism, about its organic character in relation to Russian public thought, and, therefore, its full adequacy to the realities of Russian social and political life, public legal awareness. These grounds are divided into ideological prerequisites, as well as the political context in which these prerequisites arose.


Eurasianism, civilizational approach, the Non-Possessors movement, Slavophilism, vestiges of Westernism, exodus to the East


Egor A. Kulikov, Cand. Sci. (Juridical Sciences), Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia


The article was implemented with the financial support of RF President Grant Fund for young Russian scientists – candidates of sciences, Project № MK-483.2020.6 «The Eurasian alternative to the state and legal development of Russia: genesis, content, modern interpretation».

For citation:

Kulikov E.A. (2020) Ideological and political origins of Eurasianism in the history of Russian legal thought. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 189–198. (In Russ.)


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