The phenomenon of social competence in a self-isolation regime during the COVID-19 pandemic

Volume 5, Number 2, 2020, P. 271–280


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The article analyzes the features of social competence during the period of the coronavirus pandemic. The author notes that the key point in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is to reduce the circulation of people on the streets and in public collective spaces. The analysis of studies from different countries has shown that most citizens contribute to this goal, since they believe that the isolation strategy will be effective in preventing the spread of the epidemic and reducing the number of COVID-19 victims. The article states that the degree of support for isolation measures correlates with the duration of their introduction, as well as social opportunities and employment. The purpose of the article is a sociological analysis of the social competence of citizens in the conditions of self-isolation. The methods used include the basic general scientific methods of cognition, such as analysis and synthesis; scientific generalization; empirical methods: secondary data analysis and comparative analysis of data from various studies conducted in different regions of the world from February to May 2020. The analysis carried out concerns not only the general situation in the world, but also that in the Irkutsk region. The author notes the increase in panic attacks among citizens due to the increase in the number of affected people and a contradictory trend of growth in the number of Covid dissidents in the region. The article notes that the current COVID-19 epidemic is a vivid reminder of our ongoing exposure to pandemic outbreaks. In order to prepare for pandemics and respond more effectively to them, we need to create not only effective, fair and transparent decision-making mechanisms, but also create a type of social competence that allows officials and citizens quickly restructure their activities during pandemics without loss of status and a fundamental change in social roles.


social competence, social incompetence, self-isolation, pandemic, covid dissidents, COVID-19


Struk Elena Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department of Sociology and Psychology, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Struk E.N. (2020) The phenomenon of social competence in a self-isolation regime during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. Pp. 271–280. (In Russ.)


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