Study of target groups’ perception of the University brand (through the example of IRNITU)

Volume 5, Number 2, 2020, P. 260–270


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The article presents the results of the sociological research conducted to analyze the characteristics of internal target groups’ perception of IRNITU brand. The student questionnaire (n = 385) and expert survey of IRNITU employees (n = 26) were used as research methods. During the study, the issue of target groups’ perception of the university brand was analyzed, the attitude to it, to its components; the need for changing the existing IRNITU brand was revealed. The tangible and intangible elements of the brand with their characteristics were identified as key components. The assumption was that the brand image is transmitted by target groups to society and carries all the information about the educational institution. The issues – what brand features and how the University image are presented to consumers, what brand associations respondents have – were examined during the sociological survey. The respondents’ attitude to the advantages and weaknesses of the university was of particular importance for brand analysis. This helps to understand the direction of brand transformation as a systemic formation. Besides, the elements of respondents’ brand vision enabling the technical university to change its brand components such as logo, idea, and values were studied.


brand, target groups, image, logo, tangible and intangible elements of the brand


Sidorova Natalia Vasilievna, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Sidorova N.V. (2020) Study of target groups’ perception of the University brand (through the example of IRNITU). Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. Pp. 260–270. (In Russ.)


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