Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 65–73
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The article is devoted to study the role of professionally oriented tasks in college students’ motivation to learn their trade. The main components of motivation are: interest that is characterized by the conscious significance and emotional appeal and comprehension of the actions performed. It reveals the peculiarities of professionally oriented tasks which determine some model of professional activity and they are the carrier of new professionally significant knowledge and ways of actions. The main requirements of professionally oriented tasks are: compliance with the discipline’s curriculum; accessibility and comprehensibility for students; proximity of solution methods to practical ones; the task should be based on the practical situation. motivation to learn a trade through professionally oriented tasks solving is conditioned by their «inclusion» in the context of future professional activity. The example of professionally oriented tasks in the general educational discipline «Informatics» for college students of the field of study «Cook. Confectioner», the solution of which involves the use of various means of information technology: spreadsheets, databases, desk-top publishing systems, multimedia environments, Internet resources. Based on the experience, the author has established that students are more interested in solving problems related to their professional activity; they actively use knowledge, skills and experience in the sphere of information technologies when studying the subjects of the professional cycle. It is suggested to use professionally oriented tasks in a systematic and complex way in all subjects of general education. In this case, students’ motivation to learn their trade will be developed more effectively.
motivation, interest, professionally oriented task, informatics, cook, confectioner, college
Gomboyeva Irina Sergeevna, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Educator of Priargunsk State College, Priargunsk, Russia
For citation:
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