Digitalization: between technological competencies and technocratism

Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 54–64


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The article is devoted to the research of the place of digital education in professional training system. It considers the challenges of time in relation to education, system of technological skills as exemplified by Kiber-one IT school and examines the digital trends in modern Russian education. The relevance of the topic is attributable, first of all, to practical requirements for mediaocracy and network rationality ethical expectations. Theoretical aspect is to develop directions for digital education and media literacy content. Teachers should move quickly in including and mastering digital communications, various information agents and channels. In the context of the growing importance of digital technology and media, critical rationality becomes particularly important in order to counteract the simulated impact of the virtual environment. The potential nature of the information environment challenges the traditional ontology and economics. Pioneering the latest economic trends, Education 4.0 enunciates new trends: automation and big data, the sharing model of life and FinTech. Transformation of educational environment is accompanied by virtualization of economy, overheating of capital market, reduction of investment efficiency. The diversity of trends is a separate challenge for the information society. The success of digitalization of education cannot be achieved outside the open society without development of democracy and improvement of education level. In the world of growing complexity, traditional narratives, sacred texts, no longer provide legitimacy and universalization of social values. Globalized society is fragmented in its generators of meaning. To maintain its sustainability, new technocratic myths are needed: liberalism, digitalization, robotization.


media language, ratings, network search model, ICT, Internet of things, AI, innovations, education 4.0


Alexander A. Gofman, Associate Professor of military and special training, FSEI of Higher Education «Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia», Vladimir, Russia

Alexey S. Timoschuk, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines Department, FSEI of Higher Education «Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia», Vladimir, Russia

For citation:

Gofman A.A., Timoshchuk A.S. (2020) Digitalization: between technological competencies and technocratism. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 54–64. (In Russ.)


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