Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 150–164
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The article deals with the issues of teaching ethno-cultural subjects in schools of Oktyabrsky district of KhantyMansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. The scope and objectives of the study are examining and generalizing the question of the necessity to teach them. The research material was the data of the sociological survey «About the need in teaching the subjects with national and regional content in school». The data were processed in the «Votex» program for processing sociological information. The questionnaire contained 28 questions with a list of answers. Respondents had to choose only those they considered acceptable. The article summarizes the results of the sociological survey carried out in 2019 in Oktyabrsky district on the above-mentioned topic. The survey was conducted among schoolchildren’s parents. It’s results reveal that more than half of the respondents believe that teaching their native language and other ethno-cultural subjects in school will undoubtedly and to some extent solve the problem of preserving the national culture of the indigenous peoples of the North. Respondents also expressed a desire for their child to study additional subjects with ethno-cultural content. And most people think that indigenous children should be provided extra tuition; other students can learn them if they wish. Only some people noted that mother tongue and literature should be taught as compulsory subjects for indigenous schoolchildren. The results of the research are important for executive decision-making in the field of ethno-education in schools of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.
Oktyabrsky district, ethno-cultural education, school, indigenous peoples of the North, respondents, nationalregional subjects
Said Kh. Khaknazarov, Cand. Sci. (Geology and Mineralogy), Head of Socio-Economic Development and Monitoring Department, Ob-Ugrian institute of applied researches and development, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
For citation:
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