Volume 4, Number 4, 2019, P. 352–362
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Currently, the maintaining the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces personnel of the Russian Federation is urgent. The article deals with the issue of one of the fundamental elements of the combat effectiveness of the army – the political-military factor. In the light of the current trends in world policy and the application of new opportunities of information and psychological techniques of influence, the most important task is to organize the political education for military personnel, carried out within the framework of military and political work. This direction provides an opportunity to form military personnel’s political consciousness that enables to resist the erosion of traditional values of the Russian people and to develop their moral and volitional powers necessary for the performance of military duty. The article analyses the historical experience of political education, which allows improving the quality of work with personnel. The author reveals a modern approach to understanding the essence of this direction of educational activity, its distinctive features, gives a definition of the concept of «political education of military personnel.» On the basis of the analysis of historical experience, the value-sense foundations of political education of military personnel at the present stage have been revealed. The author highlights pedagogical conditions that ensure not only the formation and development of political and socially significant qualities and personality traits, but also the acquisition of practical experience in organizing events as a part of military-political work with personnel, as well as promising areas contributing to the optimization of formation of political consciousness of modern military personnel.
military-political factor, political education, military-political work, political socialization, political consciousness, pedagogical conditions
Julia A. Samedova, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor, the senior teacher of Military-Political Work Department of Military educational scientific center of the Air Force «Military and air academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin», Voronezh, Russia
For citation:
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