Volume 4, Number 3, 2019, P. 266–271
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Establishment of parks and natural areas, streets greening and the improvement of embankments have become a trend in recent years in Russia since the adoption of the priority federal project “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment”. However, this development implies the active use of not only landscape design technologies, but also the methods of participatory design and tactical urbanism. They make it possible to adapt correctly the urban environment to the changing needs of people and help create well-designed public spaces that play one of the main roles in the competition of cities for people and intellectual potential.
tactical urbanism, participatory design, landscape design, urban environment, public space
Anna V. Gamurak, Head of Special Projects and Infrastructure Development Department of ANO “CAC of the Belgorod region”, a member of the International Lilac Society, the curator of the Belgorod Lilac project, Belgorod, Russia
For citation:
Gamurak A.V. (2019) On transformation of urban environment by methods of tactical urbanism and participatory design. Social Competence. Vol. 4. No. 3. P. 266–271. (In Russ.)
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