Volume 4, Number 2, 2019, P. 153–161
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The article substantiates the mechanism of senior citizens’ negative gerontostereotypes interiorization that causes their restrictive installations and practices. Negative gerontostereotypes are regarded as the ideas in mass and individual consciousness about dysfunctional role of old age and elderly people’ life. It is shown that elderly people negative gerontostereotypes interiorization along with a number of negative consequences in general reducing quality of their life, nevertheless, provides certain «bonuses» to them. The negative gerontostereotyping as an element of the social construct of old age poses the problem of infantilization, as well as forcing to a subordinate role, self-restrictive attitudes and practices, contentment by providing a micro and macro-social environment as opposed to adapting the environment to specific needs. On the basis of theoretical and empirical data it is proved that pressure force and social incentives importance, results of gerontostereotypes approbation regarding their «social efficiency» and compliance to individual and personal characteristics cause not only the depth of their interiorization, that can be full or partial, but also its selective character up to counteraction to it. The research of factors causing the selective nature of negative gerontostereotypes interiorization and counteraction to it is an important step in overcoming self-discriminatory attitudes and the practices of senior citizens.
interiorization, negative gerontostereotypes, attitude, selfageism, practices, mechanism, senior citizens
Lola V. Kolpina, Cand. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Associate Professor of Social Technologies Department, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
РMarina N. Reutovа, Cand. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Associate Professor of Social Technologies Department, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
Grant RFFI 19-011-00661 The influence of ageist stereotypes on formation of selfrestrictive attitude and practices of senior generation citizens.
For citation:
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