Paradigms of social and cultural animation in the history of pedagogy

Volume 4, Number 2, 2019, P. 135–139


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The article deals with the relatively recent term “animation”, which originated in France in the middle of the 20th century, and was considered as informal pedagogy and psychology, where an animator (master of his craft) acted as an intermediary between a child (adolescent) and parents. The animation performed a number of important functions, such as recreation, adaptation, relaxation, correction, and communication, functions have been expanded at the moment, and over time, entertainment, hedonistic, and regenerating functions have appeared. A distinctive feature of animation from other social practices is not forcing participants to action, that is, freedom of choice and friendly atmosphere. One of the brightest types of animation is socio-cultural animation, it is one of the relatively young branches of social pedagogy and social psychology. Socio-cultural animation in the history of pedagogy has attached and today continues to familiarize people with humanistic ideals and values. Socio-cultural animation is a self-organizing pedagogical system, the subject of which is directly the public associations of animators, whose main goal is to actualize the spiritual needs of the personality of the population, to engage in an active creative process and action. This work is based both on the experience of prominent foreign scientists in the animation activity, and on domestic researchers of social and cultural animation, who have been considering this phenomenon since the mid-20th century to the present day.


pedagogy, socio-cultural animation, animator, creativity, leisure, socio-cultural activities, cultural and educational work, cultural and leisure activities


Anna V. Dmitrieva, senior lecturer of Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, Faculty of Social and Cultural Activity and Tourism, Department of Social and Cultural Activity, Krasnodar, Russia

For citation:

Dmitrieva A.V. (2019) Paradigms of social and cultural animation in the history of pedagogy. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 4. No. 2. Pp. 135–139. (In Russ.)


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