Volume 4, Number 1, 2019, P. 41–49
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The article discusses the key provisions of the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education causing preschool teachers’ resistance when putting them to use. The innovation barrier consisting in braking, deterring, blocking or completely rejecting an innovative introduction in the form of the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education is explained by personal psychological defenses that direct human behavior towards stability. In order to assess the degree of understanding, adoption and implementation of innovative ideas of the Federal State Educational Standards for pre-school teachers, the author has developed a questionnaire to conduct a survey in preschool institutions of the city of Nizhny Tagil. Describing its results, the author refers not only to the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education, but also to the ideas of free pedagogy, since the content analysis of the modern preschool standard text suggests that the idea of free education lies in its theoretical and methodological basis. According to the results of the research, the author identifies a number of ideas of the modern standard of preschool education, giving rise to teachers’ greatest misunderstanding or rejection. Among such ideas there is consideration of the period of preschool childhood as a life stage meaningful in itself but not as a period intended for preparation for school; priority in the development of competence-based innovations and emotional intelligence; support of children’s initiative and independence, providing them with an independent choice of the type of activity, following their interests and desires; changing the position of a teacher from an authoritative mentor who determines the trajectory of the child’s development to the position of a senior comrade who is ready for a dialogue of cooperation.
Federal state standard of preschool education, kindergartens, preschool pedagogy
Anna V. Nikolaeva, a Postgraduate Student of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Institute, branch of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Nizhny Tagil, Russia
For citation:
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