Volume 4, Number 1, 2019, P. 31–40
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The phenomenon of socio-psychological competence is one of the integrative phenomena of not only social, but psychology as a whole. It is studied from the socio-psychological, age-psychological and other aspects. Most often — through the description of one or another of its components. Researchers have outlined and implemented various approaches to its integrative, holistic understanding, attempted to answer the question — what is the socio-psychological competence, how it is formed and developed: how a person becomes a person, including an adult person, how a person becomes a partner including a mature partner, and how a person becomes a professional, including a professional in such a complex area as psychological counseling – a practice aimed at helping other people holes in their formation of the person, partners and professionals. The central problems, however, are the problems of the ratio of levels and components, that is, the mechanisms of the formation and development of competence. The article discusses several main points of the formation and development of social competence. Four levels of competence development stand out as the main ones, which are correlated with techniques, tactics, strategies and strategies of problem, crisis and other social relations. It is noted that the development of competence is associated with the processes of differentiation and reflection of experience, as well as with the integration and effectiveness of the conclusions made on the basis of differentiation and reflection. As a result, sociopsychological competence appears as a complex education, which includes not only a complex of knowledge and skills, but also the ability to apply them in the most diverse, sometimes problematic situations. ” The leading component of social competence is socio-psychological competence, which includes the knowledge and skills of building and developing relationships with oneself, people, transformations of interactions of interaction and life activity in different types of environments and relationships.
competence, psychotherapeutic model, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychotherapy, humanistic psychotherapy, integrative psychotherapy, life experience, reflection, social intelligence
Mariam R. Arpentieva, grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of natural sciences (RANS), Academician of the International Academy of Natural History (IANH), leading researcher fellow, Humanitarian Institute, Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra, Russia
For citation:
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