Development of university students’ creative activity in foreign language classes

Volume 3, Number 4, 2018, P. 36–40


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The development of students’ creative activity in foreign language classes is of current importance in non-linguistic universities. It relates to the solution of fundamentally new problems aimed at the need to solve problem-based situations that require non-standard creative approach. The article examines the concept «creativity», and «creative thinking». It states that improving students’ creative activity in the university is possible through organizing such an educational process model that involves a structural and content-related change of foreign language classes. Development of creative abilities acts as a guarantee that the future specialist will be able to navigate and find solutions in non-standard situations and issues of the future professional activity. Various types of students’ creative activities in the learning process are analyzed. The authors present modern foreign languages teaching methods that require independent acquisition of knowledge and their creative use. The special attention is paid to the role of pedagogical technologies contributing to significant increase in the quality of education and heightening students’ interest in foreign language learning. It is concluded that in order to reveal the creative abilities of students, it is necessary to address to their emotional qualities. The process of creative thinking may emerge spontaneously or be constructed by the teacher. This is a manifestation of such personal-individual qualities of a student as an interest in obtaining deep knowledge, involvement in creative and scientific research activities.


creativity, creative activity, creative thinking, cognitive activity, pedagogical conditions, cognitive independence


Natalya E. Gorskaya, Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department No 1 for Engineering Fields of Study, Institute of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communications, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Ekaterina Yu. Kholdeyeva, Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department No 1 for Engineering Fields of Study, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Gorskaya N.E., Kholdeyeva E.Yu. Development of university students’ creative activity in foreign language classes. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;4(3):36–40. (In Russ.).


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