Volume 3, Number 4, 2018, P. 15–20
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the history of corruption is not inferior to the ancient history of human civilization. This social phenomenon has its roots in the deep past. Bribery is mentioned in the Russian Chronicles of the XIII century., having the name of bribery. It is known that one of the first metropolitans in Russia strongly condemned the monetary bribe, which was usually given for certain services. And he himself is sacred-the Minister put this sin on a par with witchcraft and drunkenness. The Metropolitan was called upon to execute for similar offenses, in order to fully eradicate this phenomenon. Scientists studying the history of corruption in Russia believe that such a cardinal decision made at the dawn of the development of Ancient Russia could completely change the situation in the Bud. It is believed that the all-encompassing corruption in our country we owe to Byzantium. It was there in the ninth century, was borrowed from the system, called «feedings» the head of state sends its representatives in the province, giving enormous powers and not giving from the Treasury of the payment, because it was assumed the provision of means of the population. Naturally, the concerned population generous gifts to those on whom depended their fate. As a result, in the minds of both the top and bottom firmly entrenched understanding: any appeal to the dignitary must be supported by something material, valuable. In some ways it made sense, because otherwise the official simply did not have anything to exist, but eventually led to a well-known situation.
corruption, bribery, mzda, likhoimstvo, sanctions, law
Valentina N. Turkova, Department of criminal law disciplines, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Anastasia N. Archipova,Department of criminal law disciplines, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
Turkova, V. N., Arkhipova A. N. The history of corruption in law enforcement and judicial authorities. Social competence. 2018; 3 (4):15–20.