Moodle system in distance teaching English to children with special needs

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 20–24


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The article discusses the features of the educational environment Moodle in the system of distance education, describes its main tools and techniques taking into account the language that is learned and indicates the important methods of students’ interaction in a distance educational environment when learning English. The relevance of the use of the educational environment Moodle is stipulated by the specifics of the modern educational situation when such physical resources as teaching package, tutorials quickly become obsolete against the background of developing digital technologies. In this regard, there is a need for such technologies; they will provide educational information fast, advance the pedagogical process (going through the homework, doing tests). The use of distance learning technologies in education is of particular importance in the context of inclusive education. The educational environment Moodle allows solving pressing pedagogical problems in the system of distance education when teaching English to children with special needs. Considering the specifics of teaching children with special needs, the Moodle educational environment makes it possible to overcome many pedagogical difficulties. The key element of the efficiency of the distance education system is the creation of a new, deeply specialized Internet product that must be adapted in content, form, interests and needs of children with special needs. Due to the interactive style of communication and operational communication in distance learning, teaching a foreign language can be individualized and differentiated.


educational environment, distance learning system for children with special needs, course, educational platform, course elements


Kirill A. Ganshin, a post-graduate student, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev, Institute of social-humanitarian technologies, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

For citation:

Ganshin K.A. Moodle system in distance teaching English to children with special needs. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3):20–24. (In Russ.).


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