Accessibility and quality of preschool education: sociological aspect

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 89–97


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Pre-school education is the most important component of the educational system having a direct impact on the formation of young children’s human potential. Not incidentally, pre-school education was included in the UN list of sustainable development goals up to 2030. In this regard, ensuring equal access of all children without any exception to quality preschool education is important. The article deals with the problem of accessibility and quality of Russian preschool education in case of Vologda city. The research is based on the statistics data and sociological survey among the parents of children attending Vologda kindergartens (VolRC RAS, 2018). The author analyzes the possibilities of the educational system to cope with the demand for preschool education and estimates various aspects of the kindergarten work. The research shows that problem in ensuring kindergarten places for children under the age of three is still pressing. It notes that despite an overall positive assessment of the quality of education, nutrition, staff performance, there are also some problems related to the lack of material security, overcrowding, admission to kindergarten before a child reaches the age of three years. The solution to these problems will contribute both to accessibility and quality of pre-school education and the achievement of the more global goal – the development of young generation’ human potential.


preschool education, accessibility, quality, sociological survey, parents


Tatiana S. Solov’eva, a research associate of Vologda research center of the Russian academy of sciences, Vologda, Russia

For citation:

Solov’eva T.S. Accessibility and quality of preschool education: sociological aspect. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3): 89–97. (In Russ.).


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