Innovative business activity in regions: essence of the concept

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 79–83


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The article considers the formation features of the concept «innovative business activity» from the point of view of functional and structural approaches. It describes the shortcomings and advantages of these approaches to explanation of the essence of the given concept. The informed choice of structural approach allowed to examine the concept «innovative business activity» as the style of activity focused on achievement of result on the basis of the creation or implementation of an innovation being a success measure (economic, political or social) for the subject. Such understanding of innovative business activity enables to focus on social and psychological aspects of this phenomenon and to mark out the most significant psychological qualities of the subjects of this process. The article also studies differences of «innovative business» comprehension in domestic and foreign researchers’ works. Basing on the analysis of scientific resources and evidence summary of the experiment carried out in 2015–2018, the author identifies the main qualities of successful innovative businessmen and their special qualities that are important for the organization of innovative business activity in the region. The former includes the pronounced aspiration for financial success introducing new technologies, products, etc. (novations or innovations); motivation for success; readiness for risk; perception of independence as values; legal and economic competence in the sphere of innovative business; developed creative and logical thinking; leadership potential. The latter includes ethno-communicative competence, the developed thinking; ability of multiple planning; communicative abilities; high level of subject control, frustration tolerance.


innovative business activity, region, professionally important qualities


Nina V. Lezhneva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Pedagogics and Psychology Department, Troitsk brahcn of Chelyabinsk state university, Troitsk, Russia

For citation:

Lezhneva N.V. Innovative business activity in regions: essence of the concept. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3): 79–83. (In Russ.).


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