Video lectures in teaching foreign language for specific purposes

Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 68–73


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The article discusses the use of discipline-specific video lectures as one of the techniques to create a foreign language learning environment in the classroom and as a way to encourage speech and language development in order to build a vocationally-oriented communicative competence. The system of problem solving assignments is proposed on the basis of the lecture language material and additional special texts in order to develop interrelated skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing. Interrelated training is based on various techniques of transformation of the information acquired from the texts that contributes to its most effective acquisition. The system of problematic assignments suggested in the article includes: assignments aimed at modeling background knowledge to understand the lecture; assignments aimed at active perception of the learning material to acquire actual and linguistic information; assignments for strengthening language skills; assignments whose purpose is communicate in conditions close to the situation of professional communication. The analysis of the results of application of problematic assignments based on discipline-specific video lectures and additional special texts reveals that they contribute both to the formation of communicative competence and to the development of the students’ research and organizational skills. Thus, problematic assignments allow us to connect the study of a foreign language to the development of students’ professional competencies.


video lecture, problem solving assignments, levels of problematicity, methodological technique, project activity


Mariya I. Popova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages for Humanities Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Popova M.I. Video lectures in teaching foreign language for specific purposes. Social Competence, 2018, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 68–73. (In Russian).


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