Volume 3 (2018), No. 1

Volume 3, Number 1
(file: pdf, size: 3.7 MB, downloads: 453)

[ 7–9 ]

On the ways of translating movie titles
Borkhonov S.A., Korepina N.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 132 KB, downloads: 750)

[ 10–15 ]

Professional slang as the basis of linguistic uniqueness of professional sociodialect
Dvorak E.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 162 KB, downloads: 1082)

[ 16–21 ]

The relative character of the concept norm (a case study of Russian and English)
Dzyuba A.B.

Article (file: pdf, size: 162 KB, downloads: 720)

[ 22–26 ]

Violation of norm of expectation in the speech of Russian children’s fairy tales characters
Dzyuba A.B., Almyrza S.N.

Article (file: pdf, size: 162 KB, downloads: 673)

[ 27–33 ]

Functional peculiarities of the etiquette unit «Apology» in dialogical speech
Tufanova Y.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 177 KB, downloads: 721)

[ 34–38 ]

Some semantic aspects of English polysemantic verb
Kholdeyeva E.Yu.

Article (file: pdf, size: 160 KB, downloads: 719)

[ 39–44 ]

Public promise of an award: domestic and foreign legal regulation
Andreev V.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 163 KB, downloads: 1366)

[ 45–50 ]

Criminal personality as an element of criminological crime characteristic in cases of smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent, poisonous substances
Soldatenko K.V., Tatarnikov V. G.

Article (file: pdf, size: 161 KB, downloads: 654)

[ 51–56 ]

Property law. Problems of criminal law protection
Tatarnikov V. G., Nikitin Yu.P.

Article (file: pdf, size: 195 KB, downloads: 743)

[ 57–68 ]

Social and pedagogical background for development of system of teaching gifted children at schools of Germany
Kolesova V.M.

Article (file: pdf, size: 202 KB, downloads: 1274)

[ 69–73 ]

Modern methods of foreign languages Training
Korepina N.A., Gusev N.O.

Article (file: pdf, size: 145 KB, downloads: 607)

[ 74–80 ]

Legal education of an innovation expert
Popov A.I.

Article (file: pdf, size: 227 KB, downloads: 598)

[ 81–86 ]

What is an existential crisis?
Vasenkin A.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 158 KB, downloads: 1494)

[ 87–94 ]

Composition and structure of Irkutsk population in the second half of the 19th – early 20th c.: dynamics of social differentiation processes
Gavrilova N.I.

Article (file: pdf, size: 213 KB, downloads: 642)