Volume 2, Number 4, 2017, P. 16–22
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The article is devoted to the issues of gaps in law and legislation in the modern Russian Federation. It examines the main branches of law where there are gaps and the ways of their overcoming according to the specifics. The consideration is given to the examples both of legislative and law enforcement practice. The conclusions have been drawn about the relevance of the ban to bridge the gaps in legislation on the analogy of criminal law. The author outlines the major directions in the improvement of legislative practice in Russia.
gap in law, gap in legislation, law enforcement activity, analogy of law, Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, normative legal regulation, lawmaking activity, normative legal act, overcoming of gaps in law, elimination of gaps in law
Andreev Valentin Vladimirovich, a Master’s Degree Student of Political Science, History and Regional Studies Department, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
Andreev V.V. The problem of gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation and the ways of its overcoming // Social Competence, 2017, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 16–22. (In Russian)
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