Interactive eye behavior. The language of looks and its representation in literature (a case study of Spanish fiction)

Volume 1, Number 2, P. 29–34


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The article examines people’s visual interactive behavior that is one of the keynotes of non-verbal communication of the contact Spanish culture. Some examples from the literature demonstrate the ways of representation of the non-verbal literary discourse in communicative situations, where oculesics units – mirhemes – transmit the meaningful information. Looks are represented by various lexical means. This representation is due both to the personal author’s approach and, in general, the richness of the Spanish language. It is obvious that the ratio of visual and verbal codes in the analysis of interactive eye behaviour and natural language claim an attention in the different interdisciplinary aspects.


mirheme, interactive behavior, visual signs, semantics, language of gestures, non-verbal communication, non-verbal discourse, verbalization, representation


Yu Elena D., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department №1 for Engineering Fields of Study, Applied Linguistics Faculty, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia


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