The cognitive approach in social work

Volume 1, Number 1, 2016, P. 44–49


Article (file: pdf, size: 189 KB)


The article considers the cognitive approach in social work that might be used to solve clients’ problems. The importance of the cognitive approach is emphasized by the fact that it provides a simplified, technological approach to knowledge. The possibilities of procedural and declarative knowledge of the cognitive approach are examined and reasoned in the analysis of social situations in professional activity of social work experts. The author provides some examples of the use of procedural and declarative knowledge in the expert’s alleged practice. The possession of these two types of knowledge will help to build effective interaction with a client/object of social work.


the cognitive approach, the solution of problems of clients/objects of social work, procedural and declarative knowledge in social work


Svetlana V. Baltueva, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Work Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia


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