Volume 9 (2024), No.3

Volume 9 (2024), No.3
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[ 6–17 ] University as integrator in solving the region’s current challenges – a key idea of federal innovation platforms
Marina A. Maznichenko

Article (file: pdf, size: 555 KB, downloads: 13)

[ 18–29 ] Organization of children’s educational rest in Russia and the Republic of Korea
Elena V. Chalaya, Elena S. Chernyshuk

Article (file: pdf, size: 628 KB, downloads: 9)

[ 30–45 ] Student’s reflective portfolio as a tool for implementing productive education
Tamara I. Borovkova, Sergey Yu. Karpenko, Marina E. Kosheleva

Article (file: pdf, size: 753 KB, downloads: 12)

[ 46–65 ] Training of practical psychologists: the present and prospects. Part 1
Viktor E. Pakhalyan

Article (file: pdf, size: 628 KB, downloads: 12)

[ 66–69 ] Review of the textbook “Pedagogy of Higher Education: textbook: master’s degree-graduate study” by I.V. Volgina, M.A. Galaguzova [et al.] (edited by M.A. Galaguzova. Blagoveshchensk, 2024, 256 p.).
Natalia L. Korshunova

Article (file: pdf, size: 562 KB, downloads: 46)