Volume 9 (2024), No. 2, pp. 19–33
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The formation of life competencies in children with autism spectrum disorders is considered a priority area of education. In this regard, educational organizations need to provide conditions for the positive dyna-mics of the development of life competencies of children with autism. The article reveals the importance of the willingness of parents to carry out developing interaction with children in terms of the formation of their life competencies. The concept of «readiness for developing interaction» is clarified, components are highlighted, the content of the questionnaire for parents and the results of its application are presented. It was found that despite the sufficient involvement of parents in the process of development and education of children with autistic disorders, parents do not always demonstrate a high willingness to independently form life competencies in children at home: they lack knowledge, do not know how to teach a child with autism skills in health care, personal safety, social interaction, do not know how to support the child’s initiative, integrate into his activities, flexibly change their tactics. Some parents are convinced of the primary role of special educators in teaching child life skills. The data obtained indicates the need to purposefully carry out work on the development of parents’ readiness for developing interaction with children in the aspect of the formation of life competencies in autistic disorders. The article describes the experience of teaching parents to develop interaction with children. The topic under consideration may be of interest to teachers of special (correctional) institutions.
life competencies, autism spectrum disorders, developmental interaction, parental readiness, difficulties of interaction
Elena F. Zachinyaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology of the School of Pedagogy, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)
Victoria V. Demchuk, director, Vladivostok Special (correctional) School (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)
For citation:
Zachinyaeva E.F., Demchuk V.V. Development of parents’ readiness for interaction with autistic children: theoretical and practical aspects. Social Competence, 2024, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 19–33. (In Russ.).
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