Regional university students’ perception of the level of their digital skills and competencies

Volume 9 (2024), No. 1, pp. 20–33


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Digital transformation has an impact on both the professional sphere and the educational sphere, where there is a need not only to introduce new educational technologies, but also to revise existing ones. Digital skills and competencies are becoming significant requirements for employment, and the timeliness of their development directly intersects with educational processes in higher education. This study aims to consider the perception of students at a regional university about the level of their digital skills and competencies, as well as to analyze what students currently lack to comply with the educational process of the digital agenda. Based on the results of the online survey, a list of recommendations and comments was compiled that can be used for practical improvements in the educational environment.


digital skills, digital literacy, digital competencies, digital expertise, digitalization


Maria O. Skivko, PhD, Associate Professor, Samara National Research University (Samara, Russian Federation)

Nadezhda A. Razveykina, Candidate Degree in Law, Associate Professor, Samara National Research University (Samara, Russian Federation)

Elena G. Shikhanova, Candidate Degree in Educational Science, Associate Professor, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation (Samara, Russian Federation)

For citation:

Skivko M.O., Razveykina N.A., Shikhanova E.G. Regional university students’ perception of the level of their digital skills and competencies. Social Competence, 2024, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 20–33. (In Russ.).


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