Formation of functional literacy in primary school: theoretical and practical aspects

Volume 8 (2023), No. 4, pp. 6–25


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Based on domestic research, the article presents theoretical approaches to the formation and development of functional literacy of students, examines the history of the concept of «functional literacy». The importance of functional literacy for human life in the context of changes taking place in the world has been revealed, and the factors contributing to the success of this process have been identified. The interrelation of the concepts of «functional literacy» and «universal learning activities», «system-activity approach» is revealed. The article discusses issues related to improving the level of professional competencies of primary school teachers. The necessity of a comprehensive study of the problem of the formation of functional literacy in primary school is substantiated. The obtained research results can be used in further study of the features of the formation of functional literacy of younger schoolchildren. The topic under consideration may also be of interest to teachers for building methodological work on the formation of functional literacy, a skill of the 21st century.


functional literacy, quality of education, system-activity approach, assessment, federal state educational standard, primary general education, universal educational actions


Natalia L. Korshunova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology of the School of Pedagogy, Far Eastern Federal Univercity, Vladivostok, Russian Federation,

Marina A. Lushchik, deputy director for educational work of Primary school – kindergarten № 14, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation,

For citation:

Korshunova N.L., Lushchik M.I. Formation of functional literacy in primary school: theoretical and practical aspects. Social Competence, 2023, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 6–25. (In Russ.).


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