Volume 8 (2023), No. 3, pp. 14–21
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The article, based on empirical research, shows the impact of consumer reviews of various goods and services on their behavior. At the same time, it is revealed that Avito is the main platform for the promotion of services by performers. The most effective promotion strategy, as the study showed, is to combine the specified Internet service and social networks. It was found that there are many advantages of Avito in comparison with other sites, which are fame, reliability, a large loyal audience, as well as a significant variety of categories of goods and services put forward. In addition, the high adaptability of this Internet site for service providers was revealed. The study also showed that among the shortcomings, the prevailing opinion was about the slowness and inertia of the site when introducing innovations, frequent technical problems and updates that were carried out without warning users. Cases of high and unfair competition in some niches, as well as cases of fraud, were also of concern. The study made it possible to make some recommendations aimed not only at improving the activities of the Avito Internet service, but in general e-commerce and indicating a variety of services using modern digital platforms, which, as the authors and not only them see it, have a great future.
consumer behavior, online reviews, internet service
Daniil Yu. Kochergin, Freelance Marketer, Master of Sociology, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, daniilkochergin39@gmail.com
Vladimir V. Krivosheev, Dr. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Graduate School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, I. Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, VKrivosheev@kantiana.ru
For citation:
Kochergin D.Yu., Krivosheev V.V. Online Reviews and Consumer Behavior: Sociological Analysis. Social Competence, 2023, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 14–21. (In Russ.).
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