Volume 8 (2023), № 2, P. 55–61
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The study of cognitive factors influencing the effectiveness of training in virtual reality is gradually becoming relevant due to the growing volume of implementation of virtual simulators in the field of vocational education. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the role of cognitive load on students in the success of a learning task on hand-eye coordination in a virtual reality environment. The training task in a virtual reality environment was modeled after a game scenario in which the subject must shoot from a virtual bow at moving targets and gain points and advancement levels depending on the success of the actions performed. The success of completing the task was assessed by the accuracy of hits and the maximum level of complexity of task situations. Using a survey technique, 40 undergraduate pedagogical students were assessed for their subjectively perceived cognitive load (internal, extraneous and germane). The results obtained showed that when performing a learning task on visual-motor coordination, two types of cognitive load (extraneous and germane) play a significant role.
virtual reality, learning task, learning success, cognitive load, internal, extraneous and germane cognitive load
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of the Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology, School of Education
Assistant, School of Education
For citation:
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