Volume 8 (2023), № 2, P. 4–19
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The article explores the possibilities of using the focus group discussion method in the study of trust practices among young people. In the course of applied sociological research, various aspects of understanding trust among young people have been identified. The possibilities of focus group discussion as a method of active and open interaction of the study participants are determined. The analysis of the possibilities of a focus group discussion is carried out. The results demonstrating the differences in the nature of the perception of trust practices among young people are presented. The necessity of a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of trust is determined not only at the verbal, but also at the behavioral level. The necessity of conducting focus group discussions in a natural environment with the involvement of the observation method as an additional component of the analysis of the situation with the manifestation of trust is emphasized.
focus group discussion, trust, generalized trust, interpersonal trust, risk society
Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of Sociology Department
For citation:
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