Volume 8 (2023), № 1, P. 111–118
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The article is devoted to an actual problem — the interaction of authorities with the population on electronic platforms. Now maintaining effective and constant contacts between employees of the management system at different levels is impossible without the active use of social networks, online communication with people. The authors conducted an empirical sociological study, the purpose of which is to identify the attitude of survey participants to the reaction of employees of the administrative apparatus to questions, proposals, in a word, to all their appeals. The task was also to find out from the survey participants the experience of writing questions and complaints about the work of the authorities in social networks. Based on the results of the study, some recommendations were made regarding the interaction of authorities and administration with the population, which needs further study. We are also talking about the fact that it is important to identify the level of inflated expectations among people about a possible improvement in service in various organizations, major repairs of residential buildings, etc. Moreover, from the point of view of the authors, it is necessary for specialists who are responsible for the work with appeals from citizens, develop methodological recommendations to improve the quality of responses.
executive authorities, communication, social media, online communication
Daniil YU. Kochergin, Vladimir V. Krivosheev
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
For citation:
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