Volume 7 (2022), No. 1, pp. 47–56
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The article considers the state of the engineering training system during the global transformation of all educational institutions. The concept of “transitive period” is considered in relation to the system to the system of engineering and graphic training of students of a technical university. The article presents the most striking signs of the entry of the education system into the transitional stage. Us-ing the example of an engineering-graphic training system, we consider a model for overcoming the crisis state of the education system. A number of measures are proposed to increase the stability of the engineering-graphic training system at a technical university. The author notes the need for tar-geted measures to formulate a system of online courses in graphic disciplines. The article gives ex-amples and results of the activities of the Department of Graphics of the Siberian Transport Univer-sity to create a specialized digital information environment. It is noted that virtualization of infor-mation is an inevitable process. The publication offers tools to stimulate the cognitive aspects of learning in order to increase the cognitive interest and motivation of students, to create comfortable conditions for the development of professional competencies. The author believes that successful overcoming the stage of transitivity depends on a set of measures aimed at stabilizing the educa-tional system in a global aspect and in local areas. It is emphasized that the formation of the current digital information environment is one of the most important conditions for its effective function-ing.
transitivity, education, digital information space, engineering and graphic training
Anna V. Petukhova, university lecturer, Ph.D. ped. Sci., Associate Professor of the De-partment of Graphics, Siberian State University of Communications (SGUPS), Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, Novosibirsk State University of Archi-tecture and Civil Engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia.
For citation:
Petukhova A. V. Technical education in a transitive period of development // Social competence. 2022. Vol. 7. No. 1. pp. 47-56.
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