Formation and development of Russian legislation in the field of exploration and development of oil and gas deposits

Volume 7 (2022), No. 1, pp. 5–14


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The article examines the system of legal regulation of subsoil use in the Russian Federation, presents the stages of formation and development of legislation in the field of exploration, development and production of hydrocarbon resources. The main legal acts, key provisions on the topic under consideration are analyzed, the features of the licensing system for granting rights to geological exploration, exploration and production of hydrocarbons are described in detail. The positions of leading experts on the legal mechanism of regulation of subsoil use in the territory of the Russian Federation are outlined. The article describes the main gaps in the legislation, the general findings of the article are presented in the conclusion.


subsurface use, subsoil, hydrocarbons, exploration and development, licensing system, right to use a site, a site of federal significance, monitoring system.


Ksenia A. Voronina, Master student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, Russia.

For citation:

Voronina K.A. Formation and development of Russian legislation in the field of exploration and development of oil and gas fields // Social competence. 2022. Vol. 7. No. 1. pp. 5-14.


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