Vol. 6, No. 4, 2021, pp. 448–457
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The article reveals the main management practices of applying different methods of direct democracy at the level of local self-government. This is done on the example of one of the regions of the Russian Federation, in the Kaliningrad region. At the same time, the authors note that these institutions, firstly, have a fairly long history. They have been developed and improved for more than a decade. Secondly, it is emphasized that specific techniques of direct democracy are currently used both in the traditional form (gatherings, general meetings, etc.) and using electronic technologies. It is noted that the region seeks to rely on the best practices of the active development of institutions of direct democracy in Russia and foreign countries. It is disclosed how electronic municipalities function, interactive ways to take into account the opinions and comments of citizens, answers to emerging questions and proposals, direct voting on problems that cause the greatest interest of individuals.Suggestions are made to further improve the use of direct democracy institutions to improve the interaction of municipal authorities with the population. It seems that all this is not only not losing its relevance, but is also the most urgent given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
management; management practices; direct democracy; electronic interaction technologies; sociological analysis of the use of institutions of direct democracy
Vladimir V. Krivosheev, professor of Institute of the humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
Daniil YU. Kochergin, Research specialist of the Center for Regional Management of the Kaliningrad Region, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
For citation:
Krivosheev V.V., Kochergin D.Yu. Tools for the use of direct democracy in local self-government of the Kaliningrad region: sociological aspects // Social Competence. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 448 — 457
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