Special classification of comparative educational studies

Vol. 6, No. 4, 2021, pp. 425–431


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The article presents the results of empirical research in the typology of different educational comparative studies. The author’s special classification includes five indicators. There are presented some of the international and national studies on the author’s classification called special. Implementation of special classification was carried out in private and author studies, as well as examples of studies conducted by other researchers in different countries. Thus, the new classification is presented in a theoretical perspective and practically implemented in private studies when planning an experiment.

The article is addressed to the research and practical employees in the education branch especially in comparative education: teachers, researchers, educators in a system for an evaluation of quality in education, researchers and science officers in education sphere at different steps of training.


classification, indicators, comparative studies


Naydenova Natalia N., PhD, Deputy for the Comparative Education in FSBSI “Institute for the Strategy of Development in Education of Russian Academy of Education” RAE, Associate Professor at the Department of Global Education, Moscow, Russia

For citation:

Naidenova N.N. Special classification of comparative educational studies // Social Competence. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 425 — 431


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