Methodological foundations of teaching adolescents a healthy lifestyle

Vol. 6, No. 4, 2021, pp. 403–416


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The future of our country depends on the younger generation, on its potential and health. The problem of the state of health of adolescents is particularly acute in Russian conditions, since the current situation is characterized by high rates of childhood morbidity, environmental degradation, and social upheavals. About 60% of high school students have functional impairments, 45% are psychologically and physically unprepared for learning, mastering the curriculum. The poor health of adolescents is the cause of further deterioration in health and poor academic performance. Only 58.6 — 14.2% of schoolchildren can be attributed to the first group of health (practically healthy), 37.1 — 49.0% — to the second (risk group), 40.4 — 48.0% — to the third (with functional disorders), 0.3 22% — to the fourth (with chronic pathology). According to the examination data, 95.1% of schoolchildren are diagnosed with several deviations from various organs and systems. On average, there are 3.8±1.52 diagnoses per child in grade 5, and 4.1±1.9 in grade 10, which is significantly higher than in grades 1-2 (3.2).

During the period of study at school, the number of healthy children is reduced by 4-5 times, only 6-8% of secondary school graduates can be considered healthy, 50% have morphofunctional pathology, 42% have chronic diseases. The catastrophic indicators of the health of the younger generation most adversely affect the security of the state, its defense capability, labor productivity in the national economy, and intellectual potential. The reserves of vital activity, the vitality of a person are formed as a result of education, which means that health is a pedagogical category. For a teenager from 11 to 17 years old, being in educational institutions takes up most of his waking time. In the same period, the most intensive growth and development takes place, the formation of health for the rest of life.

The relevance of our work is that it is necessary in the learning process to teach children to live without conflicts and stress, to strengthen, maintain their own and value other people’s health, to strengthen the motivation of learning in adolescents, to instill the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Hence the problem arises, which consists in the presence of a constant threat to the health and real life of a teenager, untimely study of the necessary information, including when using innovative technologies and an Internet resource, to solve problems associated with factors that destroy the health of a teenager The main goal of our work is to develop a methodology for the formation of knowledge about the factors that destroy the physical health of adolescents in the process of teaching the basics of a healthy lifestyle in life safety lessons.


methodology, adolescents, healthy lifestyle, health, school, methodology


Grinin Alexey Valerievich, Graduate student, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Galaguzova Yulia Nikolaevna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and pedagogical comparative studies, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Andreeva Ekaterina Evgenievna, Senior Lecturer Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Comparative Studies, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

For citation:

Grinin A.V., Galaguzova Yu.N., Andreeva E.E. Methodological foundations of teaching adolescents a healthy lifestyle // Social competence. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 403 — 416


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