Volume 6, Number 3, 2021, P. 306–318
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The question of the relevance of pedagogical research is constantly raised. This is the problem of interpreting the relevance of real pedagogical practice and the impact of research on the results of the work of teachers. Conceptualizing relevance shows that there is more at stake than results and impact. It seems worth considering education and learning from the point of view of meaningful behavior of people in an ever-changing world, then the relevance of educational research will be visible in their synchronization, that is, in continuous tuning with current affairs and generating the future, including the values and judgments that researchers offer to society. This synchronization appears to depend on disciplinary and ethical adherence to the principles of relevance and reproducibility. They suggest a different kind of pedagogical study than a study based on the logic of influence. There are at least four complex consequences: the transition from a non-historical social science to a historical one; this is the need to understand the micro genetic manifestations of learning, including ontogenetic time frames (taking into account the life expectancy of people) and socio genetic time frames (taking into account changes in social groups); attitudes towards people, for the ethics of research goes far beyond technical and epistemological issues of informed consent and confidentiality; unlike theoretical, descriptive and explanatory studies, where the impact depends on late thought and response, interventional studies establish the impact already in direct connection and cooperation with participants and autochthonous conditions.
human development, improvement of pedagogy, polyphonic research, philosophy, research methodology, social context
Anatoly S. Kolesnikov, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor of History of Philosophy Department, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia
For citation:
Kolesnikov A.S. (2021) Pedagogical research: relevance and demand. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 3. P. 306–318. (In Russ.)
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