Volume 6, Number 3, 2021, P. 278–286
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The article raises the problem of compliance of the sanction of the criminal law norm with the nature and degree of public danger of the crime. The nature of the public danger of a crime is determined by the totality of all the circumstances taken into account when describing a particular corpus delicti in the norms of the Special Part of the Cri minal Code. A quantitative expression of the nature of a public danger is a sanction. The fairness of punishment is ensured, on the one hand, by the legislator, who gives a standard assessment of the nature of the public danger of the crime, on the other hand, by the court, assigning the measure of punishment in a particular case. The purpose of the work: to make proposals for improving the criminal legislation on responsibility for crimes of corruption and self-interest by bringing sanctions for the Commission of these acts in accordance with the nature and degree of their public danger. The author compares the sanctions for crimes of corruption and self-interest in the modern criminal legislation of the criminal legislation of the Soviet period. It is proposed to abandon the establishment of a fine as the main penalty in sanctions for the most dangerous crimes of a corrupt nature, including such as taking a bribe, and to provide for imprisonment as the main penalty for their Commission. It is also proposed to include in the criminal code of Russia the confiscation of property as an additional measure of punishment for serious and especially serious crimes, primarily corruption and selfinterest.
The nature and degree of public danger of the crime, crimes of corruption, receiving a bribe, sanctions, imprisonment, fine, confiscation of property, the principle of justice
Vladimir G. Tatarnikov Cand. Sci. (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor, Professor of Criminal Law Department, East Siberian Branch of FSBEI “Russian State University of Justice”, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
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