The mechanism of inclusion of the educational component in professional educational programs

Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 75–92


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The article analyzes the organization of education in higher educational institutions in the context of changes in the legal framework of Russian education. The problems in the implementation of educational education, determined by the complexity of the formulation and measurement of personal qualities of students, a variety of requests of consumers of educational services, specific features of the forms of organization of training used, are identified. The main methodological approaches to the improvement of educational work and the formation of civil-legal consciousness and innovative readiness are axiological and personal-activity approaches. The tendencies of the development of education in the process of professional training are investigated. Considerable attention in scientific works is paid to civil-patriotic education in pedagogical and military universities. The lack of pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff and their rejection of pedagogy as a science prevent the activation of education in other educational organizations. Students ‘ participation in socially useful work on a voluntary basis has a significant educational potential. According to the results of the study, a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of educational work in the development of a professional field are identified: strengthening the educational component in training; dividing the educational program into mandatory and variable parts; including educational disciplines in the curriculum; increasing the pedagogical competence of the teaching staff; involving representatives of employers in education; active use of the potential of digitalization; strengthening the role of curators and mentors; active use of the creative educational environment. To ensure the implementation of regulatory documents and increase the level of civic consciousness and spirituality in obtaining professional education, it is proposed to adjust educational programs taking into account the tasks of education, improve the creative educational environment of the university and develop extracurricular activities in order to maximize individual personal qualities and needs, intensify independent work in the digital space, actively involve students in the implementation of innovative projects. The use of the developed mechanism will increase the effectiveness of educational work and ensure a high level of spiritual and moral culture and civil consciousness, innovative readiness of university graduates.


education, professional education, personal development, training of an innovative specialist


Andrei I. Popov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical sciences), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia


I would like to express my very great appreciation to Kukushkina Valentina Andreevna, a specialist in teaching methods, honorable person in national education, for her support and valuable comments throughout the article preparation.

For citation:

Popov A.I. (2021) The mechanism of inclusion of the educational component in professional educational programs. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 75–92. (In Russ.)


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