Implementation of project activities of students in the process of teaching computer science

Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 67–74


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The article discusses the use of project activities of engineering students in the process of teaching computer science. Approaches to the definition of the concepts «project method» and «project activity»are considered. It is concluded that the introduction of educational projects in the content of the curriculum, allows you to integrate knowledge in different disciplines, increases the interest of students in solving the problem situation, lays the foundations of responsibility for the quality of the created final product, educates the skills of effective teamwork, encourages their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, the need for them for further professional activity. The role of the teacher in the organization of work on projects, as a source of information, consultant, organizer of independent cognitive activity of the student is considered. Implementing these functions, the teacher uses non-traditional methods and techniques that contribute to the creative assimilation of the necessary information, the ability to reason, to look for new problems in the already known material. The study provides examples of project tasks from personal work experience. The content of the activity of the teacher and the student is considered in accordance with the stages of work on projects. In the context of this study, five stages of work on the project are identified, corresponding to the phases of the life cycle. The analysis of the results of the application of various types of project tasks on specific topics of the course shows that they contribute not only to the formation of students ‘ project competence, but also to the development of research and communication skills.


project activity, project, educational project, computer science, student training


Natalia V. Nazarenko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information and Control Systems, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Amur State University”, Amur Region, Blagoveshchensk, Russia

For citation:

Nazarenko N.V. (2021) Implementation of project activities of students in the process of teaching computer science. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 67–74. (In Russ.)


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