Correspondence of teaching methods to the modern «digital» generation

Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 25–33


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The article discusses the issues of organizing the educational process on the examples of the humanitarian cycle disciplines in the conditions of remote interaction of pre-submissors and students. Information and communication technologies provide a wide variety of free platforms, services, resources that can be used by teachers both to represent educational material at lecture classes and to create exercises that enshrine passed maraia, and for testing and controlling knowledge. The introduction of new forms of filing and consolidation of educational information corresponds to the specifics of young people who are now trained in schools and universities. This is the first generation that has grown into digital EPO-Hu. Many of the principles of a personal-oriented paradigm of learning remain relevant for him, but one of it from the features that aggravated in the conditions of self-winning is the few of the verbal contacts. Therefore, special attention in the article is paid to the possibilities of a distance format in organizing group, teamwork and the use of discussion forms. With such an organization of the educational process, the management functions of the teacher are published to the fore, which are modifier differently depending on the level of independence, self-organization of students.


generation Z, informatization of education, educational process management, discussion forms


Alla B. Denisova, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor of Philosophy and History Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Russia

For citation:

Denisova A.B. (2021) Correspondence of teaching methods to the modern «digital» generation // Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence Social. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 25–33. (In Russ.)


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